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Adipose Derived Cells
Why Autologous ADCs
The only source of cells used by Bioscience Clinic is your own FAT tissue from which the Adipose Derived Cells (ADCs) are extracted. The use is exclusively autologous so each person is using his or her own cells.
In this way we totally exclude any risk, making the treatment totally safe. Our FAT contains an abundant supply of dormant cells which once activated become our internal repair system. Whereby the hidden regenerative potential of adult cells are awakened.
How many treatments can I get from the original tissue sample ?
your own cells are preserved at -196°C, pausing the physiological ageing process and maintaining the viable cells for decades. Millions of cells, that are not used immediately, are cryopreserved in vials and can be called back into action at any time for treatments.
How to stop the ageing process of skin and prevent its imperfections ? Cryopreservation of ADCs gives you an opportunity to fight skin-aging. Thanks to the innovative cell culture processes, you can now obtain millions of new cells from cryopreserved ADCs that can be used to restore the conditions of young skin and replace aged cells.
Ageing Skin
Skin Tightening
Neck rejuvenation Decolletage rejuvenation Hand rejuvenation
Fine Wrinkles
Peri-oral lines
√ √ √
Using your own cells prevents any risk of rejection or contagion so lIPoSKIll guarantees safe and natural results.
The treatments are made with cells that are younger in age than the patient because the cryopreservation pauses the aging cells. No need to repeat the FAT collection as the treatment may be repeated several times with banked cells.
Mode of action longevity of results Final results
Treated areas risk/side effects
Expanded stromal cells, growth factors and cytokines from one’s own fat
regeneration of new skin cells for production of collagen and elastin
3 - 5 years
Natural skin rejuvenation, improved skin tone and texture, tightened, softer lines and pores
Face, Scalp, Neck None - it is one’s own cells
Injections to the upper layer of the skin (2 - 4 mm needle)
yes, for many years to be used for future treatments
Biorevitalization mix
Chemical vitamins, minerals and enzyme cocktail
Skin feeding
2 - 3 Months Skin brightness
Face Intolerance
Injections to the upper layer of the skin (2 - 4 mm needle)
Autologous growth factors and cytokines from Platelet rich Plasma
Stimulation of the skin components to initiate biorevitalization
4 - 5 Months improvement of skin tone and texture
Face, Scalp, Neck None - it is one’s own platelet
Intradermal skin injection (2 - 4 mm needle) No
Application Banking of tissue/cells

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